As mentioned in the previous page, community is a very important piece of Poehlmann Fitness. Community plays a big role in the way things are handled in many different areas such as:
Team member relationships
Coach-to-client relationships
Client-to-client relationships
Coach-to-coach relationships
and more.
We were not created to roam this earth, adventure the unknown, and explore the wonderful gift of life alone. We were designed to be together in fellowship and community.
So the question is, how do we bring this to life at Poehlmann Fitness, where most things are done remotely?
Simply put, we use technology to our advantage. One of the greatest ways we do this is by providing a private Facebook group that allows clients to have a fun and inviting place to share ideas, feelings, thoughts, creativity, and more.
Beyond sharing awesome stuff, the group also gives everyone an opportunity to network, meet new people, and develop new friendships. I've had the wonderful opportunity to share meals with clients whenever they come to Colorado and it has blessed my life tremendously.
In a nutshell, this community is your community. If you're on Facebook, you'll be added to the group. I suggest you take advantage of it.
Make new leaps, meet new people, and learn more things. It'll never hurt ya. :)