Before you begin exploring the details of your new training and nutrition protocol, I wanted to thank you again for being here. Thank you for choosing Poehlmann Fitness, and give yourself a pat on the back for choosing to improve your health and fitness.
As I mentioned earlier, Poehlmann Fitness exists to transform the body, mind, and spirit through personal coaching and sustainable fitness plans for any stage of life.
So, this experience is for your benefit. Everything I do at Poehlmann Fitness is designed to further educate, inform, and help YOU. If you ever feel that there is a change you'd like to see, an improvement that needs to be made, please let me know. Also, feel free to let me know what you love, because that helps me further implement things to the coaching relationships I have with others. Which in turn, means more happy and healthy individuals. We all know how this world needs more of those.
From the bottom of my heart, welcome to the Poehlmann Fitness family. I am so excited to see how you change, adapt, and grow in every aspect of your health and wellness!
Your coach and #1 fan,
Adam Poehlmann