Online Coaching
Online Coaching
Online Coaching
Online Coaching

I’ve been training with Adam since the beginning of March, this year, and already have the pleasure of getting amazing results! In mid February, I went to Anschutz Wellness Center for a DEXA scan... in order to get baseline data before beginning my training. At that point, I weighed 109lbs with 24.5% of that coming from fat, and 75.5% of that coming from lean muscle and bone. Adam created a training and nutrition plan for me and I committed to following it. Today, after 2 months and 10 days of training with Adam, I went back for another DEXA scan. In this short period, my weight went up to 112.4, but my body fat percentage dropped to 18.7% and my lean muscle and bone went up to 81.3%. That means that I lost 6lbs of fat and gained 9lbs of lean muscle and bone... Doctors recommend weight lifting, especially after 40, to counteract bone density loss and, apparently that’s solid advice!
The downside to all of this is that Adam doesn’t have a secret up his sleeve that will enable to you to get results like this, from your couch, while you eat ice cream and watch TV. The upside is that he has a training app that, in my opinion, helps tremendously with motivation. I think it’s fun entering my training stats (weights, reps, time) into the app and watch myself progress, in terms of strength and endurance. The nutrition tracking app is also incredibly handy for enabling me to stick to my macros. I especially like the functionality that allows me to copy and paste online recipe URLs that the app then breaks down into the correct calories and macros and then logs it for me. Bottom line is that, yes, it takes work, but with Adam’s expertise and his handy apps, it feels fun and totally sustainable. I really couldn’t be more stoked about Poehlmann Fitness!