I’m happy you’re here.
My name is Adam, and I am your health, fitness, and nutrition coach at Poehlmann Fitness.
Outside of my profession as your coach, I enjoy quality time with my wife and our pup, Aslan. My favorite pastime is playing baseball. I enjoy the outdoors, especially if it involves hunting, skiing, or being behind a boat. I live for humor. Nothing brings me life quite like a good laugh.
But that’s enough about me, I want to talk about YOU.
The health and fitness space is forever changing. New trends and fads come out daily, and information seems to constantly shift. However, one thing will always remain true. You are unique. As Dr. Seuss would say, “There is no one alive who is Youer than you.”
Because you’re custom-made, the way you approach health, fitness, and nutrition should be custom-made, too. But this goes much further than losing body fat and building muscle. Health and fitness is so much more.
As a Christian, I fully believe that the body, mind, and spirit all play major roles in our overall health.
Through personal coaching and sustainable fitness plans, I have had the pleasure and joy of coaching hundreds of people in all walks of life towards better health in body, mind, and spirit.
I am here to do the same for you. Since you and your goals are custom-made, I am the guide that helps you walk your own custom path towards success, and teach you how maintain that success for years to come.
If you want to hear the success stories of those that have worked with me, or want to apply for coaching, check out the links below.
You can also find out more about me and what I do by following me via any of the social links at the bottom of this page.
To your health,
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
Certified Online Trainer (OTA)
ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist
ACE Behavior Change Specialist
ACE Weight Management Specialist
Henselmans PT Course